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General Sales Conditions

1) General conditions
The following conditions are applicable to all the products supplied by Delta Gom s.r.l.. The confirmation of any
verbal or written order by the customer implies the acceptance of these conditions. Any customer general purchasing
condition will only be applied if clearly accepted by Delta Gom s.r.l..
General Purchasing Conditions of Customers,if they exist, will not be binding in any way on Delta Gom s.r.l.. The
possibility from Delta Gom s.r.l. to accept specific purchase conditions written by the customer, after specific signing
a subscription of the same by the legal representative of Delta Gom s.r.l., or after appropriate and specific agreement
between the parties, is reserved.

2) Delta Gom s.r.l. trademark, Patents and Hallmarks.
Delta Gom s.r.l. is the owner of DELTAGOM trademark. It is strictly forbidden, without expressed authorization, to
use, delete, remove any marks, patents, distinctive logos belonging to Delta Gom s.r.l..

3) Catalogues and advertising material
Catalogues, lists, leaflets and others will have to be used only for the purpose of sale.

4) Prices and Payment terms
Delta Gom s.r.l. sales prices are in Euro and have to be considered net of tax, fee, transport costs and/or any
eventual other charges. The goods remain property of Delta Gom s.r.l. until fully paid. If payment is not made in
accordance with the terms agreed, the goods can be subject to withdraw from customer's premises upon request of
Delta Gom s.r.l.. Sales prices could change at any time with no prior advice.

5) Delivery of orders
Meeting customer's expectations and deliveries requirement is for Delta Gom s.r.l. the main goal. The terms of
delivery, transport, packaging and payment will be indicated in the Order Confirmation sent by the Seller to the
Buyer. The delivery date is to be considered approximate and not binding for the Seller: Delta Gom s.r.l. reserves the
right to process the order within 6 months from receipt. Therefore, after receiving the purchase order, the same
cannot be revoked or deleted if the mentioned period of time is not yet over. The Seller reserves the right to deliver
partially or not to deliver goods not available at the moment or out of production. Any liability for failed or partial
delivery of the order as a result of force majeure or other unforeseen incidents outside the Seller responsibility
including, without limitation, strike, lock out, acts of public authorities, difficulties in the procurement of raw materials,
subsequent cease of export or import opportunities shall, for their duration and in accordance with their impact,
relieve the Seller from the obligation to comply with any agreed time for delivery. The Buyer will be informed as soon
as possible in writing. The possible delay in the delivery, the partial delivery of the products and no delivery of goods
not available at the moment or out of production, will not constitute in any case the ground of the cancellation of the
order, not give right to any claim for damages.
Indications regarding obligations, categorical observations, validity of the orders, lead time, delivery time and so on,
reported in purchase order by the customer, don't oblige in any way the Supplier. It is subject to the possibility of
coming to agreements in addition through suitable written form ab sustantiam reporting the will of both parties.

6) Quality guarantee
The installation of the parts must be performed by qualified operators, in conformity with the requirements of the car
manufacturer. The warranty does not cover cases in which the part is used for applications other than those for
which it was designed. The warranty, with the assent of Delta Gom s.r.l., is limited to the refund of the amount paid
or to the replacement of the part supplied. Delta Gom s.r.l. will not be held liable neither for third parties, nor for labor
costs, but will assume charges only for those products identified as defective by its technical department.

7) Shipping
Good distributed by Delta Gom s.r.l. travel at customer's risk, who has to notify immediately to the transport company
any case of damage of the goods, delays or similar circumstances which are consequences of an inadequate

8) Packaging
The goods are sent packaged in boxes or plastic bags marked DELTA GOM S.R.L.. At the request of customer the
goods can be sent in industrial packaging and, in those cases in which it is requested to package the items in
anonymous packaging or customized by the customer, the cost of finished product must be added to the cost of
packaging, labelling, storaging the customer's branded packages and all the costs of the manpower necessary to the
customized packing. Given that Delta Gom s.r.l. has the main goal in reaching the full customer satisfaction, the
customer won't have any right in case of mistakes during packaging and labelling phases, new labels will be sent in
replacement of the wrong ones.

9) Modifications
Delta Gom s.r.l. reserves the right to modify products, packaging, etc. providing that changes do not affect the
normal use of the product.

10) Claims
Any claim will be considered only if presented within 8 days from receipt of the goods.

11) Jurisdiction
Any controversy or dispute arising between the parties concerning the interpretation and fulfilment of this sales
contract and its conditions will be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Torino (Italy) with expressed
waiver of any other jurisdiction from the purchaser.
This sales contract is likewise exclusively governed by Italian Law

DELTAGOM s.r.l.  Strada Zoccoli, 20   - 10040 Rivarossa (Torino) Italy  
Tel: (+39) 011.9700126   Fax: (+39) 011.9700127   Vat Code:   IT04311740015   N°REA: TO-637030